Easy Halloween Cupcakes
Impress all your little ghosts and goblins with fun and delicious desserts this Halloween season! We’re excited to reveal a few easy Halloween cupcakes to sink your fangs into. They’re as fun to make as they are to eat, plus they’ll inspire some useful ideas for Halloween candy that doesn’t get devoured. Check out the following Halloween cupcake ideas, then fly to buy your candy supplies!
Sour Punch Witch Finger Cupcake Recipe
Witches and warlocks beware! Decorating cupcakes for Halloween takes finger-licking fun to the next level with these Witch Finger Cupcakes. Just a few ingredients and a bag of Sour Punch Rad Reds Bites are all you need!

Red Vines Frankenstein Cupcakes Recipe
Monster cupcakes take on a whole new meaning when they’re filled with melty and deliciously ooey gooey Red Vines candy. These cupcakes are easier to piece together than Frankenstein was!
MAKE RECIPESour Punch Spider Cupcakes Recipe
Not all spiders are scary (in fact, some are delicious). Featuring Sour Punch Strawberry Straws candy