Red Vines and Sour Punch Graham Cracker Gingerbread House

With Sour Punch® Assorted Bites and Red Vines® Licorice Candy

Graham Cracker Gingerbread House made with Red Vines and Sour Punch Candy

What You'll Need:

  • 6 graham crackers
  • 1 cup of powdered sugar
  • 1 tablespoon of meringue powder
  • 2 tablespoons of warm water

Prepare Graham Crackers and Make Icing

You’ll need a total of six graham crackers to build a graham cracker gingerbread house.

The two graham crackers you’ll use for the roof will remain whole (A).

To make the sides of the house, use a serrated knife to gently saw off the ends of two of the graham crackers. You’ll make the cuts halfway between the middle and the end of each (B).

To make the front and back, repeat the cuts you made for the sides of the gingerbread house. Then, make diagonal cuts at one of the long ends to form peaks (C). Discard the tiny triangles you slice off.

To make the icing, whisk the powdered sugar and meringue powder together in a bowl. Drizzle in the water and use an electric hand mixer to whip for 5 to 6 minutes, until stiff peaks form. Transfer the icing to a piping bag fitted with a round tip.*

Prepare Graham Crackers and Make Icing
Assemble Gingerbread House with Icing

Assemble Gingerbread House with Icing

Set a piece of sturdy cardboard on your work surface. Apply icing to the long edge of a B piece and press it firmly into the cardboard until it stands up on its own.

Apply icing to the side and bottom edges of a C piece and attach it to the B piece while pressing it down into the cardboard. Repeat with the other C piece.

Use icing to attach the other B piece to the cardboard and the front and back pieces. Finally, apply icing to the diagonal edges of the C pieces and attach the roof. Allow the frosting to dry and harden for at least six hours, or overnight.

Make Roof Shingles with Sour Punch Bites

To make the roof shingles, spill a bag of Sour Punch Assorted Bites onto a large cutting board and cut the pieces in half crosswise. Spread a layer of frosting on one of the roof pieces and apply the Sour Punch Assorted Bites in an alternating color pattern. Repeat on the other side.

Apply a few dots of icing on the top of the roof, where the two side A pieces meet at a peak. Trim a Red Vines Grape Twist to fit the length of the roof and press down lightly.

Make Roof Shingles with Sour Punch Bites
Decorate Gingerbread House with the Red Vines and Sour Punch Candies

Decorate Gingerbread House

Get creative with decorating the rest of your graham cracker gingerbread house! Use Red Vines Sugar Free Strawberry Twists to outline the edges, more Sour Punch Assorted Bites for windows, and Red Vines Jumbo Twists for the front pillars.

*Note: Do not use store-bought frosting for this recipe. It will not dry and harden enough to keep your graham cracker gingerbread house sturdy for decorating.

Front of Sour Punch Bites Bag of Assorted Sour Candy Straw Bites
Sour Punch Assorted Bites candy in an Easter basket  surrounded by confetti and plastic eggs
Sour Punch Assorted Bites candy in a pastel colored spring scene
Sour Punch Assorted Bites candy in a dish surrounded by spring flowers and other snacks
Sour Punch Assorted Bites Bag with red, blue, and green sour candy bites in front
Back of Sour Punch Bites Bag of Assorted Sour Candy Straw Bites
12 count box of SOUR PUNCH Bites Assorted Flavors 5oz bags
Front of Sour Punch Bites Bag of Assorted Sour Candy Straw Bites
Sour Punch Assorted Bites candy in an Easter basket  surrounded by confetti and plastic eggs
Sour Punch Assorted Bites candy in a pastel colored spring scene
Sour Punch Assorted Bites candy in a dish surrounded by spring flowers and other snacks
Sour Punch Assorted Bites Bag with red, blue, and green sour candy bites in front
Back of Sour Punch Bites Bag of Assorted Sour Candy Straw Bites
12 count box of SOUR PUNCH Bites Assorted Flavors 5oz bags

Sour Punch Bites Candy Assorted Flavors, 5oz Bag

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Front of RED VINES Grape Licorice Twists 5oz tray
Red Vines Grape Twists licorice candy in an Easter basket  surrounded by confetti and plastic eggs
Red Vines Grape Twists licorice candy in a pastel colored spring scene
Red Vines Grape Twists licorice candy on a plate surrounded by spring flowers and other snacks
Grape licorice twists in a row
RED VINES Grape Licorice Twists 5oz tray with candy in front
Back of RED VINES Grape Licorice Twists 5oz tray
12 count box of RED VINES Grape Licorice Twists 5oz trays
Front of RED VINES Grape Licorice Twists 5oz tray
Red Vines Grape Twists licorice candy in an Easter basket  surrounded by confetti and plastic eggs
Red Vines Grape Twists licorice candy in a pastel colored spring scene
Red Vines Grape Twists licorice candy on a plate surrounded by spring flowers and other snacks
Grape licorice twists in a row
RED VINES Grape Licorice Twists 5oz tray with candy in front
Back of RED VINES Grape Licorice Twists 5oz tray
12 count box of RED VINES Grape Licorice Twists 5oz trays

Red Vines Grape Licorice Twists, 5oz Tray

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RED VINES Jumbo Original Red Licorice Twists front of 8oz package
Red Vines Original Red Jumbo Licorice Twists surrounded by plastic Easter eggs
Red Vines Original Red Jumbo Licorice Twists on a platter surrounded by flowers and Easter eggs
Red Vines Original Red Jumbo Licorice Twists on a picnic table with eggs and confetti
RED VINES Jumbo Original Red Licorice Twists back of 8oz package
RED VINES Jumbo Original Red Licorice Twists box of 12, 8oz packages
RED VINES Jumbo Original Red Licorice Twists front of 8oz package
Red Vines Original Red Jumbo Licorice Twists surrounded by plastic Easter eggs
Red Vines Original Red Jumbo Licorice Twists on a platter surrounded by flowers and Easter eggs
Red Vines Original Red Jumbo Licorice Twists on a picnic table with eggs and confetti
RED VINES Jumbo Original Red Licorice Twists back of 8oz package
RED VINES Jumbo Original Red Licorice Twists box of 12, 8oz packages

Red Vines Original Red Jumbo Twists, 8oz Bag

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RED VINES Red Ropes Licorice Candy front of 12oz bag
Red Vines Red Ropes licorice in an Easter basket  surrounded by confetti and plastic eggs
Red Vines Red Ropes licorice  in a pastel colored spring scene
Red Vines Red Ropes licorice on a plate surrounded by spring flowers and other snacks
Open bag of Red Vines Red Ropes with a bowl of popcorn and s'mores ingredients
RED VINES Red Ropes Licorice Candy front of 12oz bag with rope candy pieces in front
RED VINES Red Ropes Licorice Candy back of 12oz bag
RED VINES Red Ropes Licorice Candy 12-pack of 12oz bags
RED VINES Red Ropes Licorice Candy front of 12oz bag
Red Vines Red Ropes licorice in an Easter basket  surrounded by confetti and plastic eggs
Red Vines Red Ropes licorice  in a pastel colored spring scene
Red Vines Red Ropes licorice on a plate surrounded by spring flowers and other snacks
Open bag of Red Vines Red Ropes with a bowl of popcorn and s'mores ingredients
RED VINES Red Ropes Licorice Candy front of 12oz bag with rope candy pieces in front
RED VINES Red Ropes Licorice Candy back of 12oz bag
RED VINES Red Ropes Licorice Candy 12-pack of 12oz bags

Red Vines Red Ropes Licorice Candy, 12oz Bag

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RED VINES Original Red Licorice Twists in winter seasonal tray
RED VINES Original Red Licorice Twists in winter seasonal tray with candy in front on a festive platter
RED VINES Original Red Twists candy in festive jar
RED VINES Original Red Licorice Twists in winter seasonal tray - back of pack
RED VINES Original Red Licorice Twists in winter seasonal tray - 9 pack
RED VINES Original Red Licorice Twists in winter seasonal tray - 36 pack
RED VINES Original Red Licorice Twists in winter seasonal tray
RED VINES Original Red Licorice Twists in winter seasonal tray with candy in front on a festive platter
RED VINES Original Red Twists candy in festive jar
RED VINES Original Red Licorice Twists in winter seasonal tray - back of pack
RED VINES Original Red Licorice Twists in winter seasonal tray - 9 pack
RED VINES Original Red Licorice Twists in winter seasonal tray - 36 pack

Red Vines Original Red Winter Twists, 4oz Tray

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Front of Sour Punch Bites Share Size Bag of Assorted Sour Candy Straw Pieces
Sour Punch Assorted Bites candy in an Easter basket  surrounded by confetti and plastic eggs
Sour Punch Assorted Bites candy in a pastel colored spring scene
Sour Punch Assorted Bites candy in a dish surrounded by spring flowers and other snacks
Sour Punch Bites Share Size Bag with assorted red, blue, and green sour candy pieces in front
Back of Sour Punch Bites Share Size Bag of Assorted Sour Candy Straw Pieces
Box filled with 12 Sour Punch Assorted Bites 9oz Share Size Bags
Front of Sour Punch Bites Share Size Bag of Assorted Sour Candy Straw Pieces
Sour Punch Assorted Bites candy in an Easter basket  surrounded by confetti and plastic eggs
Sour Punch Assorted Bites candy in a pastel colored spring scene
Sour Punch Assorted Bites candy in a dish surrounded by spring flowers and other snacks
Sour Punch Bites Share Size Bag with assorted red, blue, and green sour candy pieces in front
Back of Sour Punch Bites Share Size Bag of Assorted Sour Candy Straw Pieces
Box filled with 12 Sour Punch Assorted Bites 9oz Share Size Bags

Sour Punch Bites Assorted Flavors, 9oz Bag

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